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Indoor Boudoir in My In-Home Studio with Emily

Emily is a good friend of mine & I've had the pleasure of taking her photos more than once! She is so kind, open-hearted, loving, & bold! She also happens to be paralyzed in one arm. But she still embraces her body & herself, modeling for various boudoir brands & always helping others in her community, radiating love, beauty, & confidence! She was kind enough to let me share some of her story & photos, & I always love having her as a model ~ she embodies the self-love & body positivity that boudoir is all about!

Plus, as someone with chronic health issues personally, I understand that whole other level of hardship when it comes to loving your body, not just for its beauty but its functionality. But Emily & I are here to remind you that it’s okay & that those hardships don’t define you. Self-Love is a journey.

Let me be clear… Disability, shape, size, age, color, etc. ~ it does not diminish your value or your beauty, & it does not count you out of the boudoir scene. You deserve to feel good & celebrate yourself & your body!

All Bodies Are Good Bodies. All Bodies deserve to feel seen, sexy, valued, loved. You are enough, as you are, & you are welcome here with me, always.

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